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- Published on Sunday, 22 July 2012 23:04
- Hits: 4435
As computer science evolves into new fields such as cloud services, the IEEE Computer Society needs a president who is abreast of technical changes and understands how to lead the organization. The computer industry is undergoing a transformation unlike anything in the past 20 years. Cloud computing and social networking are profoundly changing the nature of computing and the computing profession. Computing skills are no longer limited to a few select people: elementary school students today have more computational power, connectivity, and IT skills than many professionals of 20 years ago. The IEEE-CS is ideally positioned to embrace this transformation and become a change agent. Our leadership must be technical, international, and entrepreneurial. My goals are as follows:
- Better align IEEE-CS with this technology transformation by continuing the modernization of our publications, standards, events, and professional education.
- Evolve technical communities using IEEE-CS tools, such as digital libraries and bodies of knowledge, and working with other IEEE societies as well as with sister societies such as ACM and Usenix.
- Continue to strengthen global membership through improved educational, professional, and personal services.
- Drive community-based development leveraging our own profession for improved membership services.
My vision of the Computer Society involves new types of communities, content, and flexible membership. My strategy is to rejuvenate IEEE-CS as follows:
- Build communities around our profession, focusing on innovative technologies in an agile way—building on the Special Technical Communities that I have led for the past two years. This includes making personalized recommendations from IEEE-CS sources for job openings, courses, standards, and professional activities.
- Deliver knowledge to community members in a timely and personalized manner by extending the content delivery model I created for IEEE Computing Now. IEEE-CS should undertake a new role of content curation with the goal of evaluating technology.
- Introduce affordable yet economically viable fees for emerging countries, junior students, and IT professionals. Ultimately, IEEE-CS must bring value to members using new tools and media, games, competition, and events (virtual and traditional), such as keynotes at 24 Hours in Private Clouds and at IEEE Cloud 2012.