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Dejan S. Milojicic, Curriculum Vitae
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Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, MS 1183 1501 Page Mill Road phone (650) 236-2906, fax (650) 857-7029 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
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3989 La Donna Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94306-3155 phone: (650) 424-8691, cell (650) 468-3929 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. dejan.milojicic[gmail, yahoo].com |
Leading technology innovation with a dynamic research team in the areas of: high performance computing, service management, cloud and distributed computing; support automation; and systems software.
Ph.D. (Computer Science) December 1993, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany.
Thesis: Load Distribution, Implementation for the Mach Microkernel.
M.Sc. (Computer Science) May 1986, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Belgrade University, Yugoslavia.
Thesis: Transaction Oriented Operating System.
B.Sc. (Electrical Engineering) May 1983, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Belgrade University, Yugoslavia. Thesis: Parallel Logic for Hybrid Computers.
Research Activities and Professional Experience 06/83 to date
09/1998-present |
Hewlett-Packard Laboratories |
Senior Researcher/Senior Research Manager |
(2010-) Exascale Computing. DoE initiative. 2018 HPC architecture: systems software support (monitoring, power consumption, programming models, synchronization primitives). Won another DoE funding ($2M).
(2008-) Open Cirrus Cloud computing testbed (managing director). Defined overall architecture, influenced research in academia and industry across global 15 sites. Enabled experiments at scale of 20 research projects in HP Labs. Cloud Sustainability Dashboard used in sustainability program, its Matrix port considered for transfer.
(2008-09) Reiki, pan-HP program on products incident management, addressing multi-billion costs. Automated service delivery; emphasis on clean data, self-healing, and learning. Impacted ESSN and TS products and support.
(2006-07) Shared Services Platform program. Directed R&D, partners, and pilots to automate and cost effectively deliver IT as a service. Led 30-people team from A*STAR (Sg), SAP (Aus), HP (Ind, Braz, US, Can).
(2004-05) Directing Virtual Desktop Systems (VDS) program, an automated prototype of VM management. VDS provided a single “pane of glass” for system administrators and ease of use for role-based users. This attracted a funnel of customers and was presented to financial, automotive, and other industries at HP Board of Advisors.
(2003-07) Directed Technology transfer between HP Labs and HP Software and Enterprise Servers and Storage. Technology transfer choice; influenced business strategy and HP Labs research; directed M&A on-boarding.
(2004-07) Service Deployment. Created a community of developers resulting in 4 specifications and 4 reference implementations (HP, NEC, Softricity, and UFCG). Demonstrated interoperability of the proposed standard.
(2003-04) Adaptive monitoring. Data assurance transferred to: HP-IT to streamline operations for significant savings; Consolidation Analysis Tool in HP Services; ChinaGrid; UFCG (Brazil); Grid Research Center (Calgary).
(2001-03) Mobile and Client Computing. Interactions between mobile phones and interactive displays. Designed and chaired HP workshop on Appliance Aggregation.
(1998-01) Global Memory Management and Failures Recovery: design and implementation of cross-NT shared memory on a four-node cluster machine without OS changes. Reliability of the ia-64 based systems: recovery support at the operating system, application, and programming environment levels, 100-pages HP private report.
01/1994-09/1998 |
OSF (Open Group) Research Institute |
Principal Research Engineer |
Mobile Objects and Agents. Research results were transferred to a Japan government agency and were basis for a standard submission to OMG together with IBM, General Magic, GMD Focus and Crystaliz.
Optimized design and implementation of concurrent remote task creation on a massively parallel architecture, achieving close to theoretical performance. Results were transferred to IBM Microkernel Team.
10/1991-12/1993 |
University of Kaiserslautern |
Ph.D. Student/Scientist |
Design and implementation of load distribution on top of Mach, encompassing task migration and distributed scheduling. This was used: for OSF Cluster, for University of Utah “Schizo”, at University of Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, and at Technion, Israel. A book was published by Vieweg Verlag, Wiesbaden, Germany, 1994.
1983-1991 |
Institute “Mihajlo Pupin” |
Staff Engineer/Project Leader |
Directed AIX Competence Center, IBM technology transfer, influenced CS research in Eastern Europe.
Lead the port of AT&T UNIX V 3.0 to a proprietary Multibus i386 machine. Design and implementation of the device drivers for disk, floppy, streaming devices, and communication board. Deployed across Eastern Europe.
Developed real-time transaction system, which was widely deployed across Eastern Europe. Enabled 16 users on 8086-based systems, a significant leap compared to 1-2 users supported by competition (Kienzle, IBM, Olivetti).
Consulting for EnergoData and Intercommerce, Belgrade-based companies. Designed and implemented protocol for a banknote counting machine, Starlan communication driver, and a tape backup utility for UNIX.
Six months sabbatical at Santa Clara University, California. Researched and published on Mach and real-time.
Academic and Professional Honors and Awards
2009, appointed an IEEE Fellow, the 12th in HP Labs.
2008, appointed an ACM Distinguished Engineer.
2001, completed a year-long LEAD HP Program for the successful Project Managers.
1993, shared best paper award at USENIX Mach Symp. “Task Migration on the top of the Mach Microkernel”.
1991, DAAD (German Science Foundation) 1 year grant (2 times renewed) at University of Kaiserslautern.
1989, Serbian Science Foundation, a grant for 6 months sabbatical at Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA.
1982, International student exchange grant, 2 months in an EE department of a cement factory, Volos, Greece.
Professional Activities
• Editor in Chief: IEEE Computing Now (Inaugural Editor, 08-12). IEEE Distributed Systems Online (08-09).
• Editorial Board Member: IEEE Internet Computing, IEEE Concurrency, IEEE Distributed Systems Online.
• Chair of standards groups: GGF CDDLM (Configuration, Deployment, and Lifecycle Management) working group; APPAGG (APPliance AGGregation architecture) research group. Member of OMG MASIF group.
• Chair of Technical Committee: IEEE Technical Committee on Operating Systems.
• Program Chair: 1st USENIX/ACM Workshop on Industrial Experiences with Systems Software (2000); 1st IEEE Agent Systems and Applications Symposium (1999); IEEE WET-ICE Workshop on Mobility and Collaboration (1998). Industrial track of ACM Middleware (2009); IEEE Congress on Services (2011), IEEE SmartGridComm Symposium on Smart Grid Management and Service Design (2011).
• On Program Committees: ICAC, ICDCS, ICWS, AAMAS, EDOC, Middleware, HotCloud, COMSWARE, etc.
• IEEE CS Board of Governors. Member 2011-2013.
Teaching Experience
Students: On 5 PhD thesis committees (GaTech, UIUC, Monash). Co-adviser (USP). Guided 30 summer interns.
Tutorials: Serviceability (ICWS, ‘08); Operating Systems (HICSS, ‘97); Operating Systems (Belgrade ’86).
Presentations: numerous presentations world-wide. Some of presentations are listed at the end of the CV.
ACM (Distinguished Engineer), IEEE (Fellow), USENIX (member).
Personal Data
Born April 15, 1960. American citizen, married, two children. Speak Serbian (native language), English, German, Croatian, and Bosnian; basic proficiency in French, Latin, Slovenian, and Macedonian.
Available upon request.
1. 8,019,871 Federation of grids using rings of trust
2. 7,912,804 Change management in a distributed system based on triggered policy rules, 3/22/2011
3. 7,826,907 Fortuitous combinations of ad-hoc available sets of different electronic devices to respond to user jobs, 11/2/2010
4. 7,643,458 Communicating between wireless communities, 1/5/2010
5. 7,114,095 Apparatus and methods for switching hardware operation configurations, 9/26/2006
6. 7,093,242 Dynamic class interposition, 8/15/2006
7. 7,020,800 System and method for memory failure recovery using lockstep processes, 3/28/2006
8. 6,990,662 Method and system for offloading execution and resources for resource-constrained networked devices, 1/24/2006
9. 6,931,571 Method and apparatus for handling transient memory errors, 8/16/2005
10.6,851,074 System and method for recovering from memory failures in computer systems, 2/1/2005
11.6,756,704 Locking mechanism for locking electronic devices, 6/29/2004
Filed Patents:
1. Service Sustainability Advisor (April 2012)
2. Virtual Machine Placement Using Multi-way Partitioning (April 2012)
3. Overall Sustainability Metric (April 2012)
4. Reducing network energy in HPC (April 2012)
5. IaaS Business Technology Modeling (IBTM) (March 2012)
6. Mapping HPC Applications to Platforms (February 2012)
7. Active NVRAM for I/O staging (February 2012)
8. Mechanism and Apparatus for User Prioritization of Sustainability v. Quality of Service in Cloud Computing (February 2012)
9. Elastic Insight (November 2011)
10.Cloud Control Point (October 2011)
11.Service Sustainability Modeling and Management 82736091 (700206888) (2011)
12.Service Sustainability Modeling and Management 82717972 (700206332) (2011)
13.Mechanism and apparatus for monitoring and leveraging dynamics of cloud sustainability (July 2010)
14.Automating diagnosis of computer-related incidents (2009)
15.Method and apparatus for supporting a computer-based product (2009)
16.Method and apparatus for supporting a computer-based product (different from previous, same name) (2009)
17.Data center level metrics via in-network aggregation (2007)
18.Approach for automatically translating service level objectives to low level system metrics and application attributes (2007)
19.Mechanism for automated availability management driven by business policies (2007)
Disclosures Approved for Patent Filing:
20.A Mechanism to Measure QoS in a Federated Cloud Environment
21.Job Configuration Pre-computation
22.End-to-End Repair Navigation System (E2RNS)
Disclosure Filed (Also working on 4 more disclosures):
23.A System and Method for Specifying and Enforcing Cost, Security Rules and QoS of Program Execution in the Cloud
Keynotes, Panels, Press Interviews, Webinars, Invited Talks and Presentations
· Keynote Speeches: IEEE Cloud 2012; Microsoft’s “24 Hours in Private Cloud,” 2012; 2008 Chinese National Conference on Computers and Network; 5th Open Cirrus Summit, 2011.
· Organized panels: WIESS’00, ICWS’05, ICAC’07, ICWS’09, HP-CAST’09 and HP-CAST’10.
· Press interviews:
oOn Cloud computing in “Journal of Internet Services and Applications,” Springer (, Edited by Fabio Kon (USP, Brazil) and Gordon Blair (Lancaster University, UK). (see also publications for a full reference)
o On Open Cirrus,
oOn Grid Computing, available from the Oracle Web site.
· Webinars:
oThe Enterprise Business R&D Engineering Seminar Program, “Open CirrusTM Cloud Computing Testbed: Federated Data Centers for Open Source Systems and Services Research,” internally to HP.
oOpen Cirrus Webinar for Lockheed Martin, available off of IEEE-CS:
· Customer presentations at HP and various customer sites to numerous customers over past 11 years.
· HP External Web site appearance:
· Invited talks and presentations: Korea, ZDNet,10; CIAB Brazil’10; Open Cirrus Summits (2009-2011, 5 times); Intel Development Forum’10; Hadoop Summit’10; CESGA, Spain,’10; Ericsson, ‘10; IDA’10; Vrije Unviersiteit,’10; SWIFT, ’10; University of Dortmund, ’10; USP, Sao Paolo, ’10; HP-Intel CTO Forum, ’09, ’10; Tokyo’10; Dejean’10; HP Tech Symposium, Bangalore’09; ChinaMobile ’08, ’09, ’10; IBM Watson, ’93, ’97, ’98, 01; Xerox PARC, ’93; NASA Ames, ‘93; MITL, ’93. Daimler Benz, `93; Siemens, ’93; GMD ’95, FIRST, ’95, ’96. OSF Research Institute Symposia, ’92-’95. Arbeitskreistreffen, ’92. Universities of Aachen ’93, Kaiserslautern ’95, Hildesheim ’95, Potsdam ’96, Dresden ’96, Stuttgart ’97, Darmstadt, ’98, Magdeburg ’98, Dresden ’98, ETH ’00, Bologna ’01, INRIA ’01, Cambridge UK ’01, City London ’01, Imperial College London ’01. Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve, ’93, Barcelona ’01. Univ. of New Mexico, La Cruces, ’93 CMU ’93, SMU ’93, UC Riverside ’93, SCU ’93, Stanford ’93, UCSC ’93, MIT ’01, Georgia Tech ’03.NRC Workshop on Information System Trustworthiness’97. HICSS ’96. IPPS’1995. USENIX: Mach Symposium’93; OSDI’94, SEDMS IV’93, COOTS’96; COOTS’98, HotCloud’09; Workshop “Distributed Computing on Internet” 96, IEEE FTDCS’93. GGF5-GGF16, OMG’97.
HP TechCon Publications
1. Astfalk, G., Benson, E., Cader, T., Faraboschi, P., Jouppi, N., Kumari, N., McLaren, M., Milojicic, D., Misage, S., Palmer, R., Schreiber, R., Tullis, M. “Tackling the Exascale Power Challenge,” TechCon 2012, Full Paper.
2. Bash, C., Chen, Y., Gmach, D., Kaufman, R., Milojicic, D., Rn, V., Shah, A., Sharma, P., Cader, T., “Dynamically Assessing Sustainability of Data Centers and Clouds,” TechCon 2011, Poster.
3. Chen, Y., Smith, V., Sahai, A., Iyer, S., Kelly, T., Korn, A., Milojicic, D., “Automatically Generating Operational Policies from Service Level Agreements,” TechCon 2008, Poster
4. Iyer, S., Yalagandula, P., Talwar, V., Milojicic, D., Ko, S., Gupta, I., Purushothaman, J., “Data Center Level Metrics via In-Network Aggregation,” TechCon 2007, Full Paper.
5. Agarwal, A., Chen, Y., Milojicic, D., Prasek, P., Rivaldo, R., Vambenepe, W., “SML Model Validation,” TechCon 2007, Poster.
6. Talwar, V., Shankar, C., Rafaeli, S., Milojicic, D., Iyer, S., Farkas, K., Chen, Y., Arlitt, M., “Adaptive Monitoring: Monitoring for Next Generation IT Systems,” TechCon 2006, Poster.
Books/Book Chapters
7. Cook, N., Milojicic, D., Talwar, V., “Managing the Cloud Infrastructure”, Book Chapter, In Migrating to the Cloud: For Developers, and Technologists, Elsevier Publishers, 2011 (to appear).
8. Adams, R., Brett, P., Iyer, S., Milojicic, D., Rafaeli, S., Talwar, V., “Scalable Management”, Book Chapter, In Autonomic Computing: Concepts, Infrastructure, and Applications, CRC Press 2006.
9. Milojicic, D., Douglis, F., and Wheeler, R., “Mobility, Processes, Computers, and Agents”, Addison Wesley and ACM Press, February 1999.
10.Milojicic, D., “Load Distribution”, Vieweg Verlag, Advanced Studies in Computer Science, Wiesbaden, Germany, 1994.
Journal Publications
11.Cook, N., Milojicic, D., Talwar, V., “Cloud Management,” Journal of Internet Services and Applications, Springer Verlag, Volume 3, Number 1, Pages 67-75, January 2012.
12.Blair, G., Kon, F., Cirne, W., Milojicic, D., Ramakrishnan, R., Reed D., and Silva, D., “Perspectives on Cloud Computing: Interviews with Five Leading Scientists from the Cloud Community,” Journal of Internet Services and Applications, Springer Verlag, vol 1, no 4., pp 1-7, May 2011.
13.Milojicic, D., Laplante, P., “Special Technical Communities, STCs,” IEEE Computer, vol 44, no 6, pp 84-88, June 2011.
14.Avetisyan, A., Campbell, R., Gupta, I., Heath, M., Ko, S., Ganger, G., Kozuch, M., O’Hallaron, D., Kunze, M., Kwan, T., Lai, K., Lyons, M., Milojicic, D., Lee, H.Y., Soh, Ming., N.K., Luke, J.Y., Namgong, H., “Open Cirrus A Global Cloud Computing Testbed,” IEEE Computer, vol 43, no 4, pp 42-50, April 2010.
15.Becker, K., Pruyne, J., Singhal, S., Lopes, A., Milojicic, D., “Automatic Determination of Compatibility in Evolving Services,” International Journal of Web Services Research, 2010, 8(1): 21-40.
16.Chen, Y., Iyer, S., Liu, X., Milojicic, D., Sahai, A., “SLA Decomposition: Translating Service Level Objectives into system level thresholds,” Journal of Cluster Computing, vol 11, no 3, pp 299-311, September 2008.
17.Vambenepe, W., Thompson, C., Talwar, V., Rafaeli, S., Murray, B., Milojicic, D., Iyer, S., Farkas, K., Arlitt, M., “Dealing with Scale and Adaptation of Global Web Services Management,” Journal of Web Services Research. Volume 4, Issue 4, pp 65-84, 2007.
18.Talwar, V., Milojicic, D., Wu, Q., Pu, C., Yan, W., and Jung, G., “Approaches for Service Deployment,” IEEE Internet Computing, pp. 70-80, vol. 9, no 2., March-April 2005.
19.Messer, A., Bernadat, P., Fu, G., Chen, D., Dimitrijevic, Z., Lie, D., Mannaru, D.D., Riska, A., and Milojicic, D., “Susceptibility of Commodity Systems and Software to Memory Soft Errors,” IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol 53, no 12, December 2004, pp 1557-1568.
20.Gu, X., Nahrstedt, K., Messer, A., Greenberg, I., Milojicic, D., “Adaptive Offloading Inference for Delivering Applications in Pervasive Computing Environments,” IEEE Pervasive, vol 3, no 3, July-September 2004, pp 66-73.
21.Milojicic, D., Agha, G., Bernadat, P., Chauhan, D., Guday, S., Jamali, N., Lambright, D., and Travostino, F., “Case Studies in Security and Resource Management for Mobile Object Systems”, Autonomous Agents, vol 5, no 1, March 2002, pp 103-111.
22.Milojicic, D., Douglis, F., Paindaveine, Y., Wheeler, R., Zhou, S, “Process Migration Survey”, ACM Computing Surveys, vol 32, no 3, September 2000, pp 241-299.
23.Milojicic, D., Breugst, M., Busse, I., Campbell, J., Covaci, S., Friedman, B., Kosaka, K., Lange, D., Ono, K., Oshima, M., Tham, C., Virdhagriswaran, S., and White, J., “MASIF - The OMG Mobile Agent System Interoperability Facility”, Personal Technologies, Springer Verlag, (1998), 2:117-129.
24.Milojicic, D., LaForge, W., Chauhan, D., “Mobile Objects and Agents, Design, Implementation and Lessons Learned”, Distributed Systems Engineering, IEE, 5 (1988), 1-14.
25.Black, D., Milojicic, D., Dean, R., Dominijanni, M., Sears, S., Langerman, A., “Distributed Memory Management”. Software Practice and Experience, 28(9):1011-1031, July 1998.
26.Milojicic, D., Langerman, A., Black, D., Sears, S., Dominijanni, M., Dean, R. W., “Concurrency, a Case Study in Remote Tasking and Distributed IPC”, IEEE Concurrency, April-June 1997, vol 5, no 2, pp 39-49.
Refereed Publications
27.Cook, N., Milojicic, D., Kaufmann, R., and Sevinsky, J., “N3phele: Open Science-as-a-Service Workbench for Cloud-based Scientific Computing,” Proceedings of the 7th Open Cirrus Summit, June 19-20, Beijing China. Best Student Paper Award.
28.Besson, F.M., Moura, P., Fabio Kon1, Dejan Milojicic, Rehearsal: a framework for automated testing of web service choreographies, Proceedings of the 3th Brazilian Conference on Software: Theory and Practice.
29.Gupta, A., Kalé, L.V., Milojicic, D.S., Faraboschi, P., Kaufmann, R., March, V., Gioachin, F., Suen, C.H., and Lee, B-S., “Exploring the performance and mapping of HPC applications to platforms in the cloud,” In Proceedings of the 21st international symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC '12). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 121-122.
30.Using active NVRAM for I/O staging. Sudarsun Kannan, Ada Gavrilovska, Karsten Schwan, Dejan Milojicic, and Vanish Talwar, In Proceedings of the 2nd international workshop on Petascale data analytics: challenges and opportunities (PDAC '11).
31.Gupta, A., Milojicic, D., “Evaluation of HPC Applications on Cloud,” Proceedings of the 6th Open Cirrus Summit, Fall 2011, Atlanta, Georgia. Best student paper award.
32.Kannan, S., Milojicic, D., Gavrilovska, A., Schwan, K., Abbasi, H., and Talwar V., “Using Active NVRAM for Cloud I/O,” Proceedings of the 6th Open Cirrus Summit, September 2011, IEEE co-sponsored, Atlanta, GA.
33.Bardhan, S., Hidangmayum, R., McGeer, R., Milojicic, D., RN, V., Feldhaus, F., Roeblitz, T., Yahayapour, R., “Practical Federations,” Proceedings of the Fifth Open Cirrus Summit, Moscow, IEEE co-sponsored, June 2011.
34.Bash, C., Chen, Y., Gmach, D., Kaufman, R., Milojicic, D., RN, V., Shah, A., Sharma, P., Cader, T. “Cloud Sustainability Dashboard, Dynamically Assessing Sustainability of Data Centers and Clouds,” Proceedings of the Fifth Open Cirrus Summit, Moscow, IEEE co-sponsored, June 2011.
35.Besson, F., Leal, P., Kon, F., Goldman, A., and Milojicic, D., “Supporting Test-Driven Development of Web Service Choreographies,” Proceedings of the Fifth Open Cirrus Summit, Moscow, IEEE co-sponsored, June 2011.
36.Campbell, R., Gupta, I., Heath, M., Ko, S., Kozuch, M., Kunze, M., Kwan, T., Lai, K., Yan Lee, H., Lyons, M., Milojicic, D., O’Hallaron, D., and Chai Soh Y., “Open CirrusTM Cloud Computing Testbed: Federated Data Centers for Open Source Systems and Services Research,” Proceedings of the USENIX HotCloud’09.
37.Connelly, C., Cox, B., Forell, T., Liu, R., Milojicic, D., Nemeth, A., Piet, P., Shivanna, S., and Wan, W.-H., “Reiki: Serviceability Architecture and Approach for Reduction and Management of Product Service Incidents,” Proceedings of the IEEE ICWS, pp 775-782, July 2009.
38.Chen, Y., Iyer, S., Sahai, A., and Milojicic, D., “A Systematic and Practical Approach to Generating Policies from Service Level Objectives,” Proceedings of the 11th IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM 2009), June, 2009.
39.Talwar, V., Nahrstedt, K., and Milojicic, D., "Modeling Remote Desktop Systems in Utility Environments with Application to QoS Management", Proceedings of the IM 2009, Long Island, NY.
40.Ko, S.Y., Yalagandula, P., Gupta, I., Talwar, V., Milojicic, D.S., Iyer, S., “Moara: Flexible and Scalable Group-Based Querying System,” Proceedings of Middleware 2008, pp 408-428.
41.Becker, K., Lopes A., Milojicic, D., Pruyne, J., Singhal, S., “Automatically Determining Compatibility of Evolving Services,” Proceedings of IEEE ICWS, Beijing 2008, pp 161-168.
42.Adams, R., Rivaldo, R., Germoglio, G., Santos, F., Chen, Y, Milojicic, D., “Improving Distributed Service Management Using Service Modeling Language (SML),” Proceedings of NOMS 2008, Brazil. pp 863-866.
43.Chen, Y., Iyer, S., Liu, X., Milojicic, D., Sahai, A., “SLA Decomposition: Translating Service Level Objectives into system level thresholds,” In the proceedings of ICAC 2007, pp. 301-310.
44.Cai, Z., Chen, Y., Kumar, V., Milojicic, D., and Schwan, K., “Automated Availability Management Driven by Business Policies,” Proc. of the 10th IFIP/IEEE Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM 2007), Munich, pp 264-273.
45.Rivaldo, R., Chen, Y., Milojicic, D. and Adams, R., “SML Model-based Management,” Proceedings of the 10th IFIP/IEEE Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM 2007), Munich, pp 761-764.
46.Shankar, C., Talwar, V., Iyer, S., Chen Y., and Milojicic. D., “Specification-Enhanced Policies for Automated Management of Changes in IT Systems,” Proc. of 20th USENIX LISA'06.
47.Agarwala, S., Chen, Y., Milojicic D., and Schwan, K., “QMON: QoS- and Utility-Aware Monitoring in Enterprise Systems,” Proc. 3rd IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC), June 2006, pp 124-133.
48.Talwar, V., Shankar, C. S., Rafaeli, S., Milojicic, D., Iyer, S., Farkas, K., and Chen, Y., “Adaptive Monitoring, Automated Change Management for Monitoring Systems”, Proc. HP OVUA, July 2006, Nice France.
49.R. Liu, W. M. Zheng, Y. Chen, K. Farkas, D. Milojicic, “Automating the Access to Monitoring Data in ChinaGrid”, Proceedings of the HP OpenView University Association Workshop, July 2006, Nice France.
50.Chen, Y., Farkas, K., Liu, R., Milojicic, D., Rafaeli, S. Saikoski, K., Talwar, V., and Vambenepe, W. “Federated Models For Monitoring Data Access”, Proc. HP OpenView University Association Workshop, July 2006, Nice France.
51.Dantas, A., Santos, F., Germoglio, G., Oliveira, M. I. Rafaeli, S., Saikoski, K., Milojicic, D., Cirne, W., Brasileiro, F., “Using Web Services for Configuration and Deployment according to the CDDLM Standard,”Proceedings of IEEE ICWS 2006, Chicago, IL, Sep 2006, pp 951-954.
52.Dantas, A., Santos, F., Germoglio, G., Oliveira, M. I. Rafaeli, S., Saikoski, K., Milojicic, D., Cirne, W., Brasileiro, F., “An Initial Assessment of CDDLM”, Proceedings of HP OVUA, Cote d’Azur, May 2006, pp 73-82.
53.Vambenepe, W., Thompson, C., Talwar, V., Rafaeli, S., Murray, B., Milojicic, D., Iyer, S., Farkas, K., Arlitt, M., “Dealing with Scale and Adaptation of Global Web Services Management,” Proc. IEEE ICWS, pp 339-346, July 05.
54.Iyer, S., Milojicic, D., Rafaeli, S., Talwar, V., Adams, R. Brett, P., “Scalable Management,” Proceedings of the HP OpenView University Association Workshop (HP OVUA), pp 289-300, July 10-13, 2005, Porto, Portugal.
55.Arlitt, M., Curry, R., Farkas, K., Fox, M., Iyer, S. Kiddle, C., Krishnamurthy, D., Milojicic, D., Mirtchovski, A., Rolia, J., Simmonds, R., and Talwar, V., "Automated Monitoring of WestGrid," Proceedings of the 12th HP-OVUA Workshop, pp. 363-366, Porto, Portugal, July 2005.
56.Adams, R., Brett, P., Iyer, S., Milojicic, D., Rafaeli, S., Talwar, V., “Scalable Management, Technologies for Management of Large-Scale, Distributed Systems,” Proceedings of ICAC, June 2005, Seattle WA.
57.Talwar, V., Wu, Q., Pu, C., Yan, W., Jung, G., and Milojicic, D., “Comparison of Approaches to Service Deployment,” Proceedings of the ICDCS, 543-552, June 3-6, 2005, Columbus, Ohio.
58.Raj, H., Gossweiler, R., Milojicic, D., “ContentCascade Incremental Content Exchange between Public Displays and Personal Devices,” In proceedings of Mobiquitous 2004, pp 374-381.
59.Chen, D., Messer, A., Greenberg, I., Bernadat, P., Milojicic, D., Dwarkadas, S., “Garbage Collector Assisted Memory Offloading for Memory-constrained Devices,” Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems & Applications (WMCSA), pp 54-65, October 2003.
60.Kumar, R., Poladian, V., Greenberg, I., Messer, A., Milojicic, D., “Selecting Devices for Aggregation,” Proc. Fifth IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems & Applications (WMCSA), pp 150-169, October 2003.
61.Gu, X., Nahrstedt, Messer, A., Milojicic, D., Greenberg, I., “Adaptive Offloading Inference for Delivering Applications in Pervasive Computing Environments,” Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom) 2003, Dallas-Fort, pp 107-115.
62.Messer, A., Greenberg, I., Bernadat, P., Milojicic, D., Chen, D., Giuli, T.J., Gu, X., “Towards a Distributed Platform for Resource-Constrained Devices,” Proceedings of the ICDCS 2002, July 2002, Vienna, Austria, pp 43-51.
63.Rollins, S., Almeroth, K., Milojicic, D., Nagaraja, K., “Power-Aware Data Management for Small Devices,” Proceedings of the WoWMoM, September 2002, Atlanta, Georgia, pp 80-87.
64.Chen, D., Messer, A., Bernadat, P., Fu, G., Dimitrijevic, Z., Lie, D., Mannaru, D., Riska, A., and Milojicic. D., “JVM Susceptibility to Memory Errors,” Proc. First USENIX Symposium on JVM Research and Technology, April 2001.
65.Milojicic, D., Messer, A., Bernadat, P., Greenberg, I., Spinczyk, O., Beuche, D., Schröder-Preikschat, W., “Ψ, Pervasive Services Infrastructure”, Proceedings of the Workshop on Technologies for E Services, Rome, Italy, September 2001.
66.Milojicic, D., Messer, A., Shau, J., Fu, G., Munoz, B., “Increasing Relevance of Memory Hardware Errors - A Case for Recoverable Programming Models”, Proc. of ACM SIGOPS European Workshop, September 2000.
67.Milojicic, D., Hoyle, S., Messer, A., Munoz, A., Russell, L., Wylegala, T., Vellanki, V., and Childs, S., “Global Memory Management for a Multi Computer System”, Proc. 4th USENIX Windows Symposium, Seattle, WA, 2000.
68.Milojicic, D., Agha, G., Bernadat, P., Chauhan, D., Guday, S., Jamali, N., Lambright, D., and Travostino, F., “Case Studies in Security and Resource Management for Mobile Object Systems”, Proceedings of the ECOOP Workshop on Distributed Object Security, July 1998, Brussels, Belgium, pp 191-205.
69.Milojicic, D., LaForge, W., Chauhan, D., “Mobile Objects and Agents, Design, Implementation and Lessons Learned”, Proc. of the Fourth USENIX Conference on Object-Oriented Technologies and Systems (COOTS), April 27-30, 1998, Santa Fe, New Mexico, pp 179-194.
70.Milojicic, D., Breugst, M., Busse, I., Campbell, J., Covaci, S., Friedman, B., Kosaka, K., Lange, D., Ono, K., Oshima, M., Tham, C., Virdhagriswaran, S., White, J., “MASIF: The OMG Mobile Agent System Interoperability Facility,” Proceedings of Mobile Agents 1998, pp 50-67.
71.Milojicic, D., Guday, S., Wheeler, R., “Old Wine in New Bottles - Applying OS Process Migration Technology to Mobile Agents,” Proceedings of the ECOOP Workshop on Mobile Object Systems, June 1997.
72.Condict, M., Milojicic, D., Reynolds, F., Bolinger, D., “Towards a World-Wide Civilization of Objects”, Proceedings of the Seventh ACM SIGOPS European Workshop, Connemara, Ireland, 2-4 September 1996.
73.Paindaveine, Y., Milojicic, D., “Process vs. Task Migration”, Proceedings of the 29th Annual International Hawaii Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), January 3-6, 1996, pp 636-645.
74.Milojicic, D., Langerman, A., Black, D., Sears, S., Dominijanni, M., Dean, R. W., “Concurrency, a Case Study in Remote Tasking and Distributed IPC”, Proc. of the 29th Intl Hawaii Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), January 3-6, 1996, pp 160-169.
75.Milojicic, D., Black, D., Sears, S. “Operating System Support for Concurrent Remote Task Creation”, Proc. of the 9th International Parallel Processing Symposium (IPPS), Santa Barbara, California, pp 486-493, April 24-29, 1995.
76.Milojicic, D., Giese, P., Zint, W., “Load Distribution on Microkernels”, Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Future Trends of Distributed Computing Systems (FTDCS), pp 463-469, IEEE, Lisbon, Portugal, September 1993.
77.Milojicic, D., Giese, P., Zint, W., “Experiences with Load Distribution on top of the Mach Microkernel”, Proc. of the 4th Symp. on Experiences with Distributed and Multiprocessor Systems (USENIX SEDMS), pp 19-36, San Diego, Sep. 1993.
78.Milojicic, D., Zint, W., Dangel, A., Giese, P., “Task Migration on the top of the Mach Microkernel”, Proceedings of the USENIX Mach Symposium, pp 273-290, Santa Fe, USA, April 1993. Also presented at the Summer USENIX Conference in Cincinnati, 1993, as one of the three best Mach Symposium papers.
79.Milojicic, D., and Zint, W., “Coarse Grained Load Distribution on the top of the Mach Microkernel”, Proc. of the Workshop on Dynamic Object Placement and Load Balancing in Parallel and Distributed Systems, pp 140-145, Utrecht, June 1992.
80.Milojicic, D., Pjevac, M., and Velasevic, D., “Load Balancing Survey”, Proceedings of the EurOpen Summer Conference, pp 157-172, Budapest, Hungary, September 1991.
81.Wayne, C., AlKhatib, H., Milojicic, D., Kosovac, D., “Next Generation Operating Systems and Real-time”, Proceedings of the 14th Technologies Conference, Igman, Yugoslavia 1990.
82.Milojicic, D. and Velasevic, D., “Load Distribution in Distributed Systems”, Proceedings of the 15th Technologies Conference “Sarajevo-91”, pp 113 (1-8), Sarajevo, Yugoslavia, March 1991.
83.Milojicic, D., Lazic, A., Simic, D., “Device Management for UNIX Operating System”, Proceedings of the MIPRO Symposium, Opatija, Yugoslavia, May 1989.
84.Milojicic, D., Lazic, A., Simic, D., Kosovac, D., “UNIX Operating System on Microcomputers TIM”, Proceedings of the 13th Technologies Conference, “Jahorina-89”, Igman, Yugoslavia, March 1989.
85.Milojicic, D., Rangelov M., “Expert System for Fault Diagnosis on Microcomputers TIM”, Proceedings of the 13th Technologies Conference, “Jahorina-89”, Igman, Yugoslavia, March 1989.
86.Milojicic, D., Bojcevski, R., Kosovac, D., “Operating Systems for Real-time Control on Microcomputers TIM”, Proceedings of the MIPRO Symposium, Opatija, Yugoslavia, May 1986. Also appeared in “Computers TIM”, edited by Milicevic, D., Hristovic, D., pp 53-60, Naucna Knjiga, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1990.
87.Bojcevski, R., Starcevic, D., Kosovac, D., Milojicic, D., “TIM Operating Systems”, Proceedings of the 10th Technologies Conference, Jahorina, Yugoslavia, March 1986. Also appeared in “Computers TIM”, edited by Milicevic, D., Hristovic, D., pp 53-60, Naucna Knjiga, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1990.
88.Starcevic, D. Bojcevski R., Kosovac, D. Milojicic, D., “Some Characteristics of Multiple Microprocessor Systems”, Proc. of the ETAN Conference, pp (VIII) 35-41, Herceg Novi, Yugoslavia, June 1986. Also appeared in “Computers TIM”, edited by Milicevic, D., Hristovic, D., pp 53-60, Naucna Knjiga, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1990.
Invited Papers
89.Forrell, T., Milojicic, D., Talwar, V., “Cloud Management: Challenges and Opportunities,” Invited Paper, In Proc. Of High-Performance Grid and Cloud Computing Workshop (HPGC), IPDPS, Anchorage, Alaska, May 2011.
90.Ko, S., Gupta, I., Yalagandula, P., Talwar, V., Milojicic, D., Iyer, S., “Querying Large Distributed Infrastructures”, IEEE TCSC Newsletter, Volume 9, No.1, 2007.
Selected Non-refereed Publications