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- Published on Sunday, 22 July 2012 23:16
- Hits: 4043
Leadership skills. A brief description of the volunteer positions I have held and examples of success.
- Editor-in-Chief, IEEE ComputingNow: Attracted membership, introduced new content delivery mechanisms, resulted in IEEE CS social networking strategy
- Chair of the Special Technical Communities; an activity that has potential to transform the Computer Society; received CS Outstanding Contribution Award (2011)
- Founded and program chaired IEEE Agent Systems and Applications Symposium (1999) and USENIX/ACM Workshop on Systems Software (2000); ACM ICAC general chair (2012)
- Chair of the Service Deployment Working Group at Global Grid Forum
- Youth soccer coach (AYSO national license), with under-19 Boys team won the prestigious good sportsmanship award at the National Games (2010); my teams won other titles
Computer Society engagement. Examples of prior involvement with the Computer Society or similar societies.
- BoG member [2011-2014]
- Editor-in-Chief, IEEE ComputingNow [2008-2012]
- Chair overseeing Special Technical Communities [2011-]
- Member, the 7th CS Strategy Planning Team [2011]
- Chair, IEEE Computer Search Committee [2010]
- Chair, IEEE Technical Committee on Operating Systems chair [2000]
- Editorial board member: IEEE Concurrency, Internet Computing, and Distributed Systems Online (founding member)
- Program chair, IEEE Agent Systems and Applications (1999); co-chair IEEE Services (2011)
- On PCs of many conferences (ICDCS, ICWS, CLOUD, ICAC, Middleware, HotCloud, etc.)
- Member and leader of a number of committees: (Fellows committee (twice), EIC searches, etc.)
Position support. How I would be able to support the Board of Governors to fulfill Board strategic responsibilities.
I have been deeply engaged in almost every dimension of the CS and I believe that I can elevate all boards to the next level in a balanced manner.
- PUBs: extensive experience in IEEE CS publications (magazines, transactions, online)
- TAB: past TCOS chair, active in many conferences
- PAB: work in industry, substantial connections
- EAB: teach at SJSU, collaboration with major universities world-wide
- MGA: coming from Europe, I have a good understanding of CS needs outside of US, I have been working closely with North/South America, Asia-Pacific, and Europe
- SAB: participated in OMG, GGF standardization; engaged with IEEE standards
Achievements. A brief summary of my professional accomplishments.
- (HP:2010-) Exascale Computing. Contributed to systems architecture, DoE funding ($2M).
- (HP:2008-) OpenCirrus Cloud computing testbed (managing director). Defined architecture spanning 15 global sites.
- (HP:2008-09) Led pan-HP program on automated incident management with multi-billion costs.
- (HP:2006-07) Shared Services Platform to automate IT. Directed teams in Asia-Pacific, North/South America.
- (HP:2004-07) Service Deployment. Created a developer community, 4 specifications and 4 standard reference implementations.
- (HP:2004-05) Directed Virtual Desktop Systems, attracted a funnel of customers.
- (OSF:1993-1998) Mobile Objects and Agents transferred to a Japanese government agency; basis for a standard in OMG.
- (IMP:1983-1991) Led UNIX port to Intel Multibus architecture. Transaction systems deployed across Eastern Europe.