Dejan Milojicic in IEEE Computer Society
I am running for the President of the Computer Society with the goal of strengthening the organization, improving the ways that volunteers can contribute to the society and, most importantly, increasing the value of the society for each of its members.
This Web sites summarizes my activities in IEEE Computer Society. It covers my publications activities (IEEE Computing Now, editorial boards membership, papers published), technical activities (special technical communities), Board of Governors participation and most recently the nomination to IEEE-CS President Elect 2013. Follow me on
or ask me a This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
IEEE Cloud 2012 Keynote: HPC in the Cloud
I presented a keynote at the IEEE Cloud 2012 on the topic of HPC in the Cloud. You will shortly be able to see the recorded video from IEEE Web site. The whole event was filled with interesting talks and sessions from academia and industry.The links to the video and slides are available from here. You can search my talk from the playlist.
Keynote at Microsoft's 24h in Private Clouds
I gave a recorded keynote at Microsft's 24h in Private Clouds, followed by 3 Q&A session. IEEE Computer Society is putting up video, in the meanwhile, you can watch the working version. Keynote was very well attended and Q&A sessions were quite interactive.
Trend Wars Interviews
Over the years, I have conducted many interviews on different topics (operating systems, networking, embedded systems, middleware, security and privacy, etc.) and with different distinguished scientists and professionals (Satyaranayan, Lesliie Lamport, Jim Gray, Barbara Liskov, etc.). Interviews appeared in IEEE Computer, IEEE Internet Computing, and prior to that